diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 5d381cc..1e62605 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ ipython_config.py
 #   For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
 #   intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
 # .python-version
 # pipenv
 #   According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
diff --git a/examples/inner_test.py b/examples/inner_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e0f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/inner_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import shadowtube.preprocess as prep
+import shadowtube.recommend as rec
+raw_history = prep.parse_database("./short.db")
+# print(raw_history[0]["title"] + ": " + str(prep.relevancy(raw_history[0], raw_history)))
+# print(
+#    raw_history[28]["title"] + ": " + str(prep.relevancy(raw_history[28], raw_history))
+# )
+# for i in range(0, 10):
+#    print(prep.get_similarity(raw_history[i], raw_history))
+history = prep.sort_history(raw_history)
+# print(recommend(history))
+recommendations = rec.recommend(history, verbose=False)
diff --git a/examples/tkinter_preview.py b/examples/tkinter_preview.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cda311d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/tkinter_preview.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import requests
+from io import BytesIO
+from PIL import Image, ImageTk
+import tkinter as tk
+import yt_dlp
+import shadowtube.recommend as rec
+import shadowtube.preprocess as prep
+# kjdshfgklshdfjkglkadshf
+import webbrowser
+# List of 8 YouTube video IDs
+video_ids = rec.recommend(
+    prep.sort_history(
+        prep.parse_database(
+            "/home/fedir/.var/app/io.freetubeapp.FreeTube/config/FreeTube/history.db"
+        )
+    ),
+    verbose=True,
+    count=8,
+def get_video_info(video_id):
+    """Fetch the title and thumbnail URL of a YouTube video using yt_dlp."""
+    ydl_opts = {"quiet": True, "no_warnings": True, "extract_flat": True}
+    with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
+        info = ydl.extract_info(
+            f"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={video_id}", download=False
+        )
+        return info.get("title", "Title Not Found"), info.get("thumbnail", "")
+def open_video(event, video_id):
+    """Open the YouTube video in the default web browser when clicked."""
+    webbrowser.open(f"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={video_id}")
+def show_video_preview(video_id, row, col):
+    """Fetch and display a video's title and thumbnail in a grid layout."""
+    title, thumbnail_url = get_video_info(video_id)
+    # Fetch thumbnail
+    response = requests.get(thumbnail_url)
+    if response.status_code == 200:
+        image_data = Image.open(BytesIO(response.content))
+        image_data = image_data.resize((200, 112))  # Resize for grid
+        photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image_data)
+    else:
+        photo = None
+    # Create thumbnail label (clickable)
+    thumbnail_label = tk.Label(root, image=photo, cursor="hand2")
+    thumbnail_label.image = photo  # Keep reference
+    thumbnail_label.grid(row=row, column=col, padx=10, pady=10)
+    thumbnail_label.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event, v=video_id: open_video(event, v))
+    # Create title label (wrapped text)
+    title_label = tk.Label(
+        root, text=title, font=("Arial", 10, "bold"), wraplength=200, justify="center"
+    )
+    title_label.grid(row=row + 1, column=col, padx=10, pady=5)
+# Create Tkinter window
+root = tk.Tk()
+root.title("YouTube Video Previews")
+# Add all 8 videos in a 2x4 grid
+for index, video_id in enumerate(video_ids):
+    row = (index // 4) * 2  # Every second row for the title
+    col = index % 4
+    show_video_preview(video_id, row, col)
+# kjdhfglkjsdhfgkljhsdkfg
diff --git a/shadowtube/__init__.py b/shadowtube/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4607170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shadowtube/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from .preprocess import *
+from .recommend import *
diff --git a/shadowtube/cache.db b/shadowtube/cache.db
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..249af3d
Binary files /dev/null and b/shadowtube/cache.db differ
diff --git a/shadowtube/cache_similarity.db b/shadowtube/cache_similarity.db
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53926c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/shadowtube/cache_similarity.db differ
diff --git a/shadowtube/preprocess.py b/shadowtube/preprocess.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f2cd88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shadowtube/preprocess.py
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+import json
+import math
+from typing import List
+from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
+from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
+import numpy as np
+import sqlite3
+model = None
+cache = sqlite3.connect("cache_similarity.db")
+cursor = cache.cursor()
+def parse_database(filename):
+    parsed_data = []
+    with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+        for line in file:
+            line = line.strip()
+            if not line:
+                continue
+            try:
+                parsed_data.append(json.loads(line))
+            except json.JSONDecodeError:
+                # Handle unquoted values by fixing the line
+                fixed_line = fix_unquoted_values(line)
+                parsed_data.append(json.loads(fixed_line))
+    return parsed_data
+def get_embedding(text: str):
+    global model
+    if model is None:
+        model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2", backend="openvino")
+    return model.encode(text, normalize_embeddings=True)
+def compute_similarity(entry_embedding, database_embeddings):
+    similarities = cosine_similarity([entry_embedding], database_embeddings)[0]
+    return similarities
+def get_cached_similarity_reflexive(entry1, entry2, verbose=False):
+    response = []
+    response.extend(get_cached_similarity(entry1, entry2, verbose=verbose))
+    response.extend(get_cached_similarity(entry2, entry1, verbose=verbose))
+    if len(response) > 1:
+        print("WARN: duplicate pairs!")
+    return response
+def get_cached_similarity(entry1, entry2, verbose=False):
+    query = (
+        "SELECT factor FROM similarity WHERE id='"
+        + (entry1["videoId"] + "/" + entry2["videoId"])
+        + "'"
+    )
+    if verbose:
+        print("INFO: querying database: " + query + " (get_cached_similarity)")
+    cursor.execute(query)
+    response = cursor.fetchall()
+    if verbose:
+        print("INFO: response was: " + response.__str__() + "(get_cached_similarity)")
+    formatted_response = []
+    for tup in response:
+        formatted_response.append(float(tup[0]))
+    return formatted_response
+def set_cached_similarity(ids, similarities: List[float], verbose=False):
+    pair_insert = []
+    for i in range(0, len(ids)):
+        pair_insert.append((ids[i], float(similarities[i])))
+        # print(pair_insert)
+    cursor.executemany(
+        "INSERT INTO similarity VALUES(?, ?)",
+        pair_insert,
+    )
+    cache.commit()
+def get_similarity(entry1, entry2, use_cache=True):
+    similarity = []
+    if use_cache:
+        similarity = get_cached_similarity_reflexive(entry1, entry2)
+        if len(similarity) == 0:
+            entry1_embedding = get_embedding(
+                entry1["title"] + " " + entry1["description"]
+            )
+            entry2_embedding = get_embedding(
+                entry2["title"] + " " + entry2["description"]
+            )
+            similarity.append(compute_similarity(entry1_embedding, [entry2_embedding]))
+            set_cached_similarity(
+                [entry1["videoId"] + "/" + entry2["videoId"]], similarity[0]
+            )
+    else:
+        entry1_embedding = get_embedding(entry1["title"] + " " + entry1["description"])
+        entry2_embedding = get_embedding(entry2["title"] + " " + entry2["description"])
+        similarity.append(compute_similarity(entry1_embedding, [entry2_embedding]))
+    return similarity[0]
+def get_global_similarity(entry, database, k=10, use_cache=True, verbose=False):
+    entry_text = entry["title"] + " " + entry["description"]
+    similarities: List[float] = []
+    # Get all embeddings in the database
+    database_texts = []
+    text_keys = []
+    for e in database:
+        if entry["videoId"] != e["videoId"]:
+            cached = get_cached_similarity_reflexive(entry, e, verbose=verbose)
+            if len(cached) == 0:
+                text_keys.append(entry["videoId"] + "/" + e["videoId"])
+                if "description" not in e:
+                    print(e["title"])
+                    database_texts.append(e["title"])
+                else:
+                    database_texts.append(e["title"] + " " + e["description"])
+            else:
+                similarities.append(cached[0])
+    # Compute similarity
+    # print(len(text_keys))
+    if len(text_keys) > 0:
+        entry_embedding = get_embedding(entry_text)
+        database_embeddings = np.array([get_embedding(text) for text in database_texts])
+        computed_similarities: List[float] = compute_similarity(
+            entry_embedding, database_embeddings
+        )
+        set_cached_similarity(text_keys, computed_similarities)
+        similarities.extend(computed_similarities)
+    # print(similarities)
+    # Exclude self-similarity
+    similarities_sorted = np.sort(similarities)[-k:-1]
+    # Normalize score to [0, 1]
+    return float(np.mean(similarities_sorted))
+def sort_history(history):
+    """returns the same database, but with values sorted by the watch time and freshness."""
+    sorted_history = history
+    max_time_watched = -math.inf
+    min_time_watched = math.inf
+    max_watch_progress = -math.inf
+    min_watch_progress = math.inf
+    for entry in history:
+        if "timeWatched" in entry:
+            if int(entry["timeWatched"]) > max_time_watched:
+                max_time_watched = int(entry["timeWatched"])
+            if int(entry["timeWatched"]) < min_time_watched:
+                min_time_watched = int(entry["timeWatched"])
+        if "watchProgress" in entry:
+            if int(entry["watchProgress"]) > max_watch_progress:
+                max_watch_progress = int(entry["watchProgress"])
+            if int(entry["watchProgress"]) < min_watch_progress:
+                min_watch_progress = int(entry["watchProgress"])
+    wp_factor = max_watch_progress - min_watch_progress
+    wp_offset = min_watch_progress
+    tw_factor = max_time_watched - min_time_watched
+    tw_offset = min_time_watched
+    def quality(entry):
+        q = 0
+        if "timeWatched" in entry:
+            q += (entry["timeWatched"] - tw_offset) / tw_factor
+        else:
+            q += 0.5
+        if "watchProgress" in entry:
+            q += (entry["watchProgress"] - wp_offset) / wp_factor
+        else:
+            q += 0.5
+        # q += get_similarity(entry, history)
+        return (2 - q) / 2
+    for entry in sorted_history:
+        entry["quality"] = quality(entry)
+    sorted_history.sort(key=lambda x: x["quality"])
+    return sorted_history
+def fix_unquoted_values(line):
+    """Attempts to fix unquoted values by adding quotes around them."""
+    import re
+    def replacer(match):
+        key, value = match.groups()
+        if not (value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"')):
+            value = f'"{value}"'  # Add quotes around the value
+        return f'"{key}":{value}'
+    fixed_line = re.sub(r'"(\w+)":(\w+)', replacer, line)
+    return fixed_line
diff --git a/shadowtube/recommend.py b/shadowtube/recommend.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fcdbed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shadowtube/recommend.py
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+import sqlite3
+from random import sample
+from innertube.clients import InnerTube
+client = InnerTube("WEB")
+cache = sqlite3.connect("cache.db")
+cursor = cache.cursor()
+# def recommend(history):
+#    recommendations = []
+#    for video_id in history:
+#        video = client.next(video_id)
+#        recommendations += fetch_recommended(video)
+#    return recommendations
+# data = client.search(query="distrotube")
+# video = client.next("BV1O7RR-VoA")
+def fetch_recommended(video, verbose=False):
+    # we need to fetch all of the recommended videos
+    recommended = []
+    try:
+        recommended.append(
+            video["contents"]["twoColumnWatchNextResults"]["autoplay"]["autoplay"][
+                "sets"
+            ][0]["autoplayVideo"]["watchEndpoint"]["videoId"]
+        )
+    except:
+        if verbose:
+            print("ERR:no autoplay (fetch_recommended)")
+    try:
+        reccount = len(
+            video["contents"]["twoColumnWatchNextResults"]["secondaryResults"][
+                "secondaryResults"
+            ]["results"]
+        )
+        if verbose:
+            print(
+                "INFO: Recommendation count is "
+                + str(reccount)
+                + " (fetch_recommended)"
+            )
+    except:
+        if verbose:
+            print("ERR:no recommendations (fetch_recommended)")
+    else:
+        for rec in video["contents"]["twoColumnWatchNextResults"]["secondaryResults"][
+            "secondaryResults"
+        ]["results"]:
+            if "compactVideoRenderer" in rec:
+                recommended.append(rec["compactVideoRenderer"]["videoId"])
+            else:
+                if verbose:
+                    print("WARN:invalid format (fetch_recommended)")
+    if len(recommended) == 0:
+        recommended.append("")
+    return recommended
+def fetch_from_database(video_id, verbose=False):
+    query = "SELECT vid2 FROM recommends WHERE vid1='" + video_id + "'"
+    if verbose:
+        print("INFO: querying database: " + query)
+    cursor.execute(query)
+    response = cursor.fetchall()
+    if verbose:
+        print("INFO: response was: " + response.__str__())
+    formatted_response = []
+    for tup in response:
+        formatted_response.append(tup[0])
+    return formatted_response
+def insert_to_database(video_id, recommended):
+    pair_insert = []
+    for vid in recommended:
+        pair_insert.append((video_id, vid))
+        # print(pair_insert)
+    cursor.executemany(
+        "INSERT INTO recommends VALUES(?, ?)",
+        pair_insert,
+    )
+    cache.commit()
+def recommend_by_video(video_id, use_cache=True, verbose=False):
+    recommended = []
+    if use_cache:
+        response = fetch_from_database(video_id, verbose=verbose)
+        if len(response) == 0:
+            recommended_now = fetch_recommended(client.next(video_id), verbose=verbose)
+            if len(recommended_now) != 0 and recommended_now[0] != "":
+                insert_to_database(video_id, recommended_now)
+            recommended = recommended_now
+        else:
+            recommended = response
+    else:
+        recommended = fetch_recommended(client.next(video_id), verbose=verbose)
+    return recommended
+# minp - cuts off all videos that have worse value than `minp`. Set to 0 to disable.
+def sampler(history, count, minp: float = 0):
+    """Selects `count` random videos from history."""
+    videos = []
+    for i in range(0, count):
+        entry = sample(history, 1)[0]
+        if "quality" in entry:
+            while entry["quality"] < minp:
+                entry = sample(history, 1)[0]
+        videos.append(entry)
+    return videos
+def remove_viewed(history, videos):
+    new_videos = videos.copy()
+    for entry in history:
+        for video in new_videos:
+            if entry["videoId"] == video:
+                new_videos.remove(video)
+    return new_videos
+def recommend(history, count=8, verbose=False, use_cache=True):
+    recommended = []
+    initial_videos = sampler(history, count, minp=0.8)
+    for entry in initial_videos:
+        video_id = entry["videoId"]
+        title = entry["title"]
+        if verbose:
+            print("INFO:recommending by " + video_id + ': "' + title + '"')
+        rec = remove_viewed(
+            history, recommend_by_video(video_id, use_cache=use_cache, verbose=verbose)
+        )
+        if rec[0] != "":
+            recommended.append(sample(rec, k=1)[0])
+    return recommended
+def id_to_link(id_list):
+    link_list = []
+    for id in id_list:
+        link_list.append("https://youtu.be/" + id)
+    return link_list